Saturday 7 December 2013


“Being male is a matter of birth, being a man is a choice.”  This has been said over and over again but the fact is most men feel that they are defined by what they are able to do through the circumstances life has given them than who they choose to be. One matter that has forever shaken a man’s confidence is their ability to fulfil their women in bed. It therefore bends a man’s ego when he is not able to perform. Erectile dysfunction is not a one- man problem. More and more men of different ages are experiencing this problem.

There are a number of medications that have been brought forward as erectile dysfunction therapy treatment but in my opinion, these are only effective when actively being used. A more permanent solution would be ensuring that you take a diet that works toward improving your erectile functions. The main function that diet plays in improving erectile dysfunction is improving blood circulation in the body. This together with a good exercise program should not only improve your blood circulation but also improve your metabolism giving you more energy to perform better sexually. Here are a few ways you can do this.

Examine what you have been eating

The diet you have been keeping may be playing a big role in your current condition. Lots of junk food do nothing to help your body but instead make you feel tired all the time and may even end up clogging cells making you even slower. Substitute such foods with more healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Contrary to common belief, fruits and vegetables need not be a punishment meal. If prepared well, these could excite your taste buds as much as the bad foods. Find different ways of making these and you will be surprised how much better you like eating healthy as opposed to junk.
Include useful nutrients to your diet

The main problem that comes with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation is inadequate blood flow and an unhealthy body. Including such nutrients as amino acids found in Soybeans, nuts and even beans can really help with this. One particular amino acid contained in such nuts called L- arginine works to improve cardiovascular health thus improving blood flow. You can make a meal of these kinds of nuts regularly like once or twice a week and make it part of your premature ejaculation therapy. In combination with nitric L- arginine can really make for a good erectile dysfunction therapy treatment and this can be done from the comfort of your home. The beauty of doing this yourself is it exposes you less since you do not have to talk to any doctor or go to clinic for it. The best part is, you will not need to take tests to know when you start getting better as it will be very evident.

In my opinion, prostate health Australia can be improved if men would simply watch their diets. This does not mean you need to be skinny, it simply means that if you eat right, no matter your size, you stand a very high chance of having no erectile problems whatsoever.